Thursday, July 3, 2008

What Can U See..?

This is just a symbol I came up with on my leisure time before I came in MMU. Dunno if I can related it with the Global Warming issue...but I'll see what I can do.

It is actually a 2 in 1 picture (figured out how to see it. I'm not going to tell u.. n,n!). This symbol is an inspiration from Pusat Sains Negara gallery about a year ago. I will upload the picture that inspire me later (lol...if I can find the picture of course). Well, after all it's still just a rough sketch only...I'll improve it so that it'll be much more different than this.

Well...but since Dr Koo said make it simple and focus on 1 idea...I guess this symbol is unappropriated or maybe I need to change it into something slightly different.

p/s: the image is a little blurry...heh2..


Azfar90 said...

Just like a dragon's skull

Koo AC said...

hi, Fadhil, yeah.. just focus on one theme, key idea.

Your initial thought is sometimes useful too. Dont just throw it away.

Quickly finalise one. See your progress!